Your comments

true, but for those of us who are not colorblind, it works wonders.

this website already has a mobile version for its interface and on top of this considering that websites work in an app that you already have is a huge advantage already and you do not need to install anything other than what you already have.

in short, it's obsolete as long as this website has a mobile version automatically loaded. it's just a waste of time.

I pretty much agree with item 2, but I feel that item 1 can be toned down to theme tags being the only tag that is mandatory.

+1 anyway

I sure would like to have a block of text of almost unlimited length on my public profile other than that one little block.

On the other hand, considering the layout of items on the profile pages, I don't see how such a thing will fit in without making a noticeable change potentially with the entire structure of the page.

don't get me wrong, I'm all for this idea being implemented, but it most likely will have to be shoved inbetween other items in a thoughtfully chosen location among all the items that already exist on the page.


I think you should stick to partial uploads to FN, altho some people do give money even if they can rip it. like me for example, I buy music on bandcamp & beatport inspite the fact i already have a tool for ripping music off youtube.

so what you're asking for is basically a system for verifying the authenticity and/or legitimacy of names that are taken on FN?

that's something that will involve dedicating human resources for that purpose, which is most doable AFTER this website is opened to the public and officially announced as launched.

don't get me wrong, i'm all for verification of authenticity, but we can't tell what FN management prioritizes higher or lower, so realistically you should not expect this any time soon.

+1 either way.

isn't it already like this? regardless, it's something to remember when the commissions toggle is implemented openly.

I'll argue in favour of purely manual publishing being enough. there's really no need for automatic scheduling of artwork publishing other than purely for the sake of SCIENCE! ヽ( ゚ヮ゚)ノ.

as you said, inputting all the information as part of the upload would serve this purpose. but you have to remember that right now FN is hardly refined. it's advertised as in beta state but I'd argue that it's currently in alpha, perhaps late-alpha, which means that beta should come Soon™.

I do believe that it is a result of the importer algorythm. I also believe that given enough time, we will rarely see this happen anymore.

other than that, I've already seen suggestion thread(s) to gather such items into one collective post which in my opinion most logically should lead to the uploader's profile or art gallery. this thread is essentially a duplicate, tho I cannot remember which thread is the original.