Your comments

The theme the importer is indicating is actually the one you use on Fur Affinity.

You can change it to Classic in Account Settings on Fur Affinity.

Be sure to double check Spam and Trash folders if you haven't already. You may also want to try sending FN a private message on Twitter if you can so they can try to help you more quickly!

FN is requesting private messages over Twitter to help resolve these issues. Hopefully you have Twitter available so FN can help you out more quickly!

@FurryNetwork (source):

Drop us a DM with your FA and FN usernames, and we'll get you sorted out! <3


FN is requesting private/direct messages over Twitter to help resolve these issues. Hopefully you have Twitter available so FN can help you out more quickly!

@FurryNetwork (source):

Drop us a DM with your FA and FN usernames, and we'll get you sorted out! <3

It's definitely interesting to see how this impacts statistics... It makes me wonder if views should even be calculated at all with the way feeds are displayed— Perhaps only favorites and promotions should be displayed instead.