Your comments

I like this! It's like Patreon just for furries. I'm enjoying all the ideas and possibilities that are growing here on FN. I must say, however, as I'm rereading your descriptions of these possible features I'm thinking about possible ways they can be used and abused, and the effect they can have on the community. Patreon as a third party is really nice because the quality of the site and its community are not affected. Move Patreon's services onto the site itself and I worry that people will abuse/overuse it--for example, I worry that too many people will try to use the paysite/early access systems to make money, thus hindering quality content from being freely available. The idea is great, and it's entirely possible that my concern is totally unfounded, but I would just advise that FN and its staff be careful to implement it in a way that encourages it to be used in a way that's healthy to the community and fandom!

I didn't read this through properly before posting a similar suggestion. I added a comment there referring back to this one. Here is what I wrote in the suggestion I submitted:

I can't help noticing that the Unlisted option when submitting a piece of art is a little useless. It's about the same as a Draft because once something is unlisted it cannot be accessed outside of the submission management areas of a user's account. I'm assuming from the name of that feature, Unlisted, that the idea is to have a link that you can use to share unlisted works with people of your choosing without allowing those works to be publicly visible.

If that's the case, how about a "Privacy" feature instead? Rather than a whole section of work that is identical in function to the Drafts, allow users to choose between uploading their submissions privately, only for their own eyes; or only allowing users with a link to the submission to view it; or only showing the submission to non-followers, etc.

Note, this would work well with/is similar to the Circles and Sharing thing someone else published. I didn't read that one through properly; with the exception of the Unlisted feature, this one should be considered a duplicate. My apologies. Here is the post in question:

I clicked the vote up button but nothing is happening. :/

That's the way I understand it, yes. :)

You can prevent contact without stopping people from viewing work. A blocking feature that prevents people from viewing your comments or contacting you accomplishes that goal without stopping anyone from viewing your artwork. After all, if a harasser views your artwork but can't contact you about it, do you even know he's viewing? If he hates your work so much that he wants to harass you for it, but can't, would he bother continuing to view it? Either way, I remain against preventing people from viewing content on the site because while I understand why an artist might want that control, it is something that can be abused.

It sounds like you've been harassed about your work in the past, and I'm very sorry about that. People can be truly inconsiderate. Perhaps you can find use in the Unlisted feature that FN has. You can submit your work to FN without listing it publicly, and it still exists on the site. I think the ultimate intention is to make it so you can choose who to share your work with. Maybe a "Privacy" setting on each submission is in order for things like that instead, where you can choose to share with Followers only, Non-followers only, only people who have a link, etc. If anyone is truly harassing you, you should always get site staff involved; you may not be the only one he's harassing.

What's funny about this is that e621's tag system does allow for things like this. Varka, who owns FurryNetwork, also owns e621. e621's tag system is probably the best in the fandom if you know how to use it. I was wondering why it hadn't been fully implemented here. I would make a new request thingy asking for that specifically.

There was one thing you mentioned about not wanting to use certain terms. e621's tag system solves that problem by converting variations of certain words to one common word. For example, if there are three images of a penis, and for one the user writes the tag "penis," another gets the tag "dick," and the third gets "cock," e621 reads "dick" and "cock" and, instead of using those words, adds the tag "penis" to all three images.

As a writer myself, YES PLEASE!

I tried to submit a poem I wrote here, and FN ignored all my line breaks. It displayed paragraph breaks properly, but normal, single-return line breaks were ignored completely, turning my verses into awkward paragraphs. The work is currently in my "Unlisted" section.

A little mouseover tooltip box would be useful for new users who are trying to find their way around, as long as it can be disabled or as long as tooltips are never displayed to the same user more than once unless requested again. I'll vote this one up. :)