Your comments

FN is using same kind of Markdown flavour as used on GitHub and posting snippets of code really isn't all that annoying as you make it out to be. Its important to remember that an indent of 4 spaces is a code block or a back tick is used for 1 line of code, or with 3 back ticks starting and ending a code block.

Indent 4 blocks

`backtick code line`


3 Back ticks code block


Its really not that hard you know.

BBCode is limited and takes longer to write the tags compared to Markdown.

I would much prefer Markdown and HTML over BBCode. Markdown is quick for formatting and easy to remember. HTML gives more flexability in how you can format what you write.

Being able to Like or Favorite comments would be great.

But I think the comments section on submissions should be improved first, it's rather awkward to look at, and it could be better layout where it's easier to read, so that it's not crammed to the side of the page. Would be better if comments followed below the submissions instead of being crammed to a small area at the side of the screen. Much like how comment sections appear here on this support forum section.

I can confirm this is what happens with me too. Scrolling down automatically loads more in, but clicking doesn't work.

I tried that but it doesn't work.

Can't really resize screen if the resolution is 1366x768 screen. Doesn't work for me.

I'm unable to confirm if this happens.

The import tool still doesn't work. it just says Complete!: 0 out of 228, it's not even importing anything at all. I've ran it multiple times now and it's got nothing.