Your comments

Click on your name displayed in the top right corner of the screen to get to your homepage (you need to click on the character name, not the icon). Then in the vertical menu on the left under your larger icon you should see an "Import Data" button which will open the importer page. Keep in mind it still has several bugs though.

As an update, I checked a few hours after posting this bug report and the import job had been terminated with an error, so it's no longer stuck halfway. Now however there are many duplicated entries in my gallery... but both copies of an entry in the gallery actually point at the same page with the same URL. I assume there is something wrong with the query which retrieves the entries to build the thumbnails gallery, as if it were lacking a SELECT DISTINCT statement somewhere.

Really needs a way to revert to no banner, I uploaded a placeholder picture just to try how it would look like and then I realized there's no way to remove it.

Same here, the problem is really showing now that a lot of new people are coming to the site. I'd say this is the single most needed feature at the moment.

Seconded, especially showing favourites since easy fav-jumping is very important to make an art site feel like a real community. I would argue that the single biggest UI flaw of both Sofurry and Weasyl is that they make fav-jumping awkward. FN has the "promotes" mechanic which kinda compensates, but still it would be nice.

For the same reason, implementing actual journals would be very important. It would add a lot to the community feeling.