Your comments

I turned grid-mode on the other day because I dislike the other mode. I want to see lots of submissions right away so I can view the ones I'm interested in immediately, rather than having to scroll down and down and down one at a time.

Looked at my inbox just now and went "ok so how do I remove some?"

Utter failure of the grid layout. It's not an alternative view, it's worthless without these controls.

Ok, so, what if I'm ok with the tag "cub" in a SFW context and not in a NSFW context, but I love me my dragon sexy fun times? Replace "cub" with literally any tag (my Ink Bunny tag filter is HUGE, and three quarters of them apply to only images that are marked sexual).

AJAX loading requires that you use the History API or it won't work properly either. And having used the History API, I have first hand experience that different browsers treat it differently: some treat the newly added item as the place you go when you hit "back" others treat it as the page you are currently on...

Honestly, don't recall.

Rukis has a larger gallery, also shows the issue

32 of 43 visible. There goes my idea that it was "all but 4."

(I've seen larger galleries, but I'm not about to go through and count how many of 186 or 435 are showing).

...Wait, seriously, I can't click your name and go to your FN page? What?

Shoot, where's the edit button. I meant "I do have the highest content rating" and "do not have blocked tags."

I'm a 32 bit peasant, which means that infinite scrolling means that for me, I can only scroll so far before my browser hits the 2gb RAM limit and crashes. It also means that it isn't saved to my browser history: if I click on anything and navigate away from my position in the scrolling list, I have to reload the whole thing all over again.

I'd rather it was <number ()>_<artist name ()>_<image name()> myself.

That happens to be what FA and IB do, but the reason I like it is because it's easy to strip the number off as I'm saving the image and can be done via macro (as the number of digits is relatively constant, whereas the other two are not).