Your comments

Typically pointing out the flaws with a current system is good way to create a compelling argument for change.

As an addendum, if my submission contains both visual and written content, it should show up in searches regardless of whether people search for art only or for stories only.

I gotta say the importing makes a lot of art descriptions look really sloppy, which I understand it's going to given that things were uploaded to FA with the intention of working *on* FA. There are broken links in numerous images which I suspect will go unfixed indefinitely. While broken links are common, the Prev/Next thing FA had was never on a single image. If a person used it, they likely used it on many pieces in their gallery, so I can easily see how an automated detection would clean up a lot of broken links and be a huge convenience.

Lack of on-page full sizing is something that is bothering me. The fact that the download button opens a new tab is annoying. I'd prefer the button to keep the image in the same tab.

I very, very much dislike how art and stories are treated as separate things that need to be kept separated from each other. This dissatisfaction carries down to the individual submission level, but the present topic pertains to the profile as a whole.

Art / Stories / Photos / Multimedia: Do not auto segregate these, but do provide filters. (Though note that a submission can be both art AND a story.) If I want to create a folder to store all of a particular thing in, I will do that. But I want to have both art and stories of a particular character or theme in the same folder.

All of these proposed layouts give no indication of what a story submission would look like. Either way, the way stories or Art/Story hybrids are shown in feeds is unsatisfactory to me. If a submission is created using the Story submission type, no visual is shown in the preview and people will both be unable to search for the contained art. If submitted as an Artwork submission type, people will think the thumbnail preview is basically all there is to the submission and the submission won't show up in story searches.

On SoFurry, I've tried uploading a submission as both, but that's both cluttersome and far too much hassle and the same search problems happen there. It would help if custom thumbnails could be done for all submissions, regardless of type, and it would be helpful if one could control how the thumbnail is displayed (as in what type of information is shown when the mouse hovers over).

I am accustomed to using a single submission to show all of my characters at once with the one I'm using presently indicated. I want to be able to modify the submission as needed without having to duplicate any of the information or send pings to everyone.

Additionally, if I'm linking to the image either through markdowns or QRcodes or what not, I want my links to continue to work, which they won't if I have to create a new submission each time.