Your comments

Muting, as far as I'm concerned, has not been implemented. The original post asking for a muting feature stated the following

"Muting: the opposite of ghosting. If you have muted a user, none of their site activity will be visible to you. They will not know you've muted them."

In other words, if I mute someone, I should not be able to see their posts unless I view their profile.

There is a real problem here of users not tagging their submissions properly and uploading in mass at the same time. As much as I would like to, I cannot go through thousands of submissions adding the correct tags. It gets to the point where I have to withdraw to my own feed, then I can't surf around for new content, I don't watch new artists, they don't get new favorites, they don't get new commissions. You see the knock on effect here? If you want to move towards more content and less social, you need to have a system where users can surf for new content and find what they want while avoiding what they don't as much as possible. The tag system alone isn't working. At the same time though, failing to tag shouldn't equal a total block. The last thing I want to do as an author/artist is stop someone from seeing my stuff or contacting me unless it's absolutely necessary. That's bad for business.

At the very least, we should be allowed to choose what blocking does.