Your comments

1: One would then argue, perhaps, that slapping the text into the thumbnail is perhaps not the best idea. I'm actually not fond of it as a while, but I think I'd rather a border around the text rather than a gradient. Personal taste though on this front, I understand.

2: This is why I was suggesting leaving the arrow pulldown. Perhaps arrow and icon brings the menu but clicking on the @[name] next takes you to your profile page? Either way having the option half way down the menu seems counter intuitive to me.

3: I agree completely, it's why I'm saying the 'public front page' buttons should all be compressed down into there. They already have the Show [options] bar. It's extremely redundant to have it twice right ontop of each other.

4: While I agree, point 3. I feel that having those options up there are just taking space they shouldn't need to be. White (nay, dark grey) space isn't a bad thing.