Your comments

Hi there - I know this issue is years and years old, but I just started trying to do some multimedia uploads today and I'm having this same problem. I did capture my dev console output for this. Everything on the console seems normal until about the time the on-site graphic indicates that my file is 94% uploaded, then it just starts throwing 403s left and right, and this will continue until I navigate away.

The 403s are constant and fast:

Image 477

Here's a view of the expanded error message:

Image 478

Is FurryNetwork under development and is this likely to be fixed? FN is one of the few furry-focused sites out there that actually has support for modern video formats for animation (can't believe so many sites still support flash when it's deprecated.) It would be really nice if these files could be showcased here, and I think it could help FN find its niche now that Twitter is going down the tubes. Thanks for reading.