Under review

Infinite Scrolling Jumps Around

socksthefox 9 years ago updated by Rykomi (Support Admin) 7 years ago 15

Often when I'm scrolling, the list of images will jump around as the infinite scrolling algorithm unloads an incorrect number of images from the top of the list, rather than only those that got scrolled off, triggering the browser to re-layout the images. It gets very disorienting having to scroll back up a bit to find where I left off, and sometimes that even triggers the list to re-load those images causing the list to be moved around again.



Thanks to everyone who reported this. This bug should now be fixed!

If it's not, and you encounter it again, let me know - and I'll both reopen the bug, and bring it up with our development team! (Please include 'steps to reproduce', if you find them).

I should mention I'm using Chrome and haven't tried in FF or any other browser yet.

I actually mentioned the same bug here too: http://support.furrynetwork.com/topic/1152287-empty-spaces-on-galleries-when-scrolling/ (similar bug as well I believe, the jump one happens when browsing all-FN content where as empty spaces happen in user galleries)

I use iceweasel, easily reproduced both bugs in chromium as well. (iceweasel = lightweight linux firefox, chromium = linux chrome)

I made a video recording showing what it's like:

note that this is an unedited video, it was just muted due to background noise.

browser used is FireFox on Win7.


Thanks to everyone who reported this. This bug should now be fixed!

If it's not, and you encounter it again, let me know - and I'll both reopen the bug, and bring it up with our development team! (Please include 'steps to reproduce', if you find them).

I recorded it again a few minutes ago:

Screen resolution is 1920x1080 and as you can see at the top right the size scaling is 100% (meaning no change in scale/zoom).

Please make sure you also reload the cached files!

Could you replicate it even after performing a hard refresh of the page?

( Ctrl+F5, or ctrl+shift + R )

In the following video you can see when I press Ctrl+F5 to do a 'hard refresh':

as you can see, the page still behaves the same.


I just noticed something that might be a clue as to what's happening here. see for yourself:

Yep that is what keeps happening to me too


Is it even worth it to reply at this point? This issue is not fixed, and the site is pretty much unusable past a couple hundred thumbnails.

Give it a couple more years. *eye rolls*


Found something similar and its repo.

Go to Popular Artwork, scroll down a few times, set a filter, scroll again. Page goes blank or reload page showing what looks like it's the next "page" or has multiple stuck blank "pages" in the infinite scroll inline with other pages or a few other broken behaviors.

Can 100% repo every time on Chrome 50.0.2661.102 and Firefox 28.0.

(Cannot be caching from pre-fix, first visit was 24 hours ago)


I just encoutered this bug. I do not know what you mean exactly with steps to reproduse so I'll just write everything I notised:

I am using Firefoxx 46.0.1

It occured on the artwork page in the fresh section.

It seems that it is occuring more often the further you scroll down.

I although had the impression that it occured while loading single images in other tabs (wich is very slow). I am not shure abaut this point since it seemed to fit sometimes but it sometimes did not.

If you want to know anything else just ask. I will try to figure out what you need to know.


This is not fixed.

Please consider reopening this ticket, or migrating to pagination (for more reasons) instead.

Endless scrolling and the persistent bugs are making browsing through artwork incredibly painful.

Under review

As it appears, there are still issues with rubber-banding and jumping issues while scrolling.

We are re-opening this bug for further investigation and fixin'.

Please share your experience with this bug, along with browser, version and operating system you are using.
