Ability to delete account entirely
(Varka edit: original poster did not include a description, so I'm making and adding one here, and improving the title so more people can see it)
Right now, it's not possible to entirely delete your account on Furry Network. You can delete all the content on your account by deleting your character and making a new one (full instructions here: https://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/959-close-account/ ) - but currently, it's very fiddly and it doesn't completely remove it.
This is especially important on a social media site.
A one-button Delete My Account function should be added, so you can easily delete everything if you choose to leave the site.

It's actually really easy, I figured it out. go to Your character page here. Then make a new character with your re-branded name, select 'use this character' and 'set as default character'. If you want to ditch the old page and all it's work, you can then opt to delete the old character as well.

That...only deletes the character, not the account. That's not what was asked for.
Given the recent drama over cub art, and the way this site's administration caved to entitled drama queens who joined the site without reading its policies first? I'd rather not be associated with it as it'll just become another cesspool like FA given the precedent that was just set.

shouldn't have to vote for this at all actually... if i'm not mistaken its allowed in the TOS to request to have our accounts fully deleted and breech of the TOS has happened on their side according to my lawyer he is still going over it but if they refuse to comply, strong chance we have a case if we want to turn it into a class action.

You can find our full site terms here: https://about.furrynetwork.com/
Having read through it, I can't find any mention of anything relating to the ability to request your account be "fully deleted" - if you could link me to the section in question, I can take a look for you?

Exactly what have they caved on? The site's policies are pretty straightforward and fine as I've read them. If you're so eager to run away from a developing site, then good riddance. You're comparing something that's been active for less than a year to a decade old site. There's something to be said for giving it a little time.

Exactly what have they caved on? You're either a troll, or have been under a rock the past week. Sorry to hear you can't disagree with someone civilly and I'll be glad to be gone and away from you and your like.

Please refrain from posting hostile, nonconstructive and off-topic comments.

Alright, the current work-around, for those interested, is to create a random character, change it to your default, delete your character, then change your e-mail to a throwaway e-mail and make a jumbled password to lock yourself out.
Which is kind of weird. But I guess it gets the job done. Kind of a shame they'll have a bunch of random user names that can't be deleted on their servers, but that's what was suggested.

We've got an 'answer' thread with steps on the workaround here: https://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/959-how-to-delete-my-furry-network-account/

Quick update - I've gone through this thread and removed a bunch of posts which were off topic, as well as answered those that are.
We welcome votes and productive discussion on this 'delete account' functionality - but remember to be civil, and stay on topic!

Hey all -
Being able to completely delete an account is an important feature of any social media site. For the administration side of things, the only real change needed would be to add a 5-7 day delay to the deletion of the account, so bans / tickets / other moderation actions could complete. Aside from that, most of the work has already been done (by allowing users to delete characters).
Please vote if you'd like to see this added!

It shouldn't be something that has to be voted for. It's a basic function of any social media site. I do hope you're not seriously considering moving out of beta without implementing an account termination function.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if you were.

I'd like to recant my position. I feel that people should have the ability to fully delete an account they created from this website.

I'd like to be able to delete my account. As a fan of free speech I find this site to be no longer to my liking and want out. A permanent solution is the only acceptable answer.

This has one of the most positive ratio's for implementation. Any news on this?

I firmly believe my account is bugged. I tried creating a new account to import data and it works on my new account, yet it won't on this. Therefore, I would like the option to delete an account, too.

This has been under review for more than a month. Seriously, just make it happen when it launches or sooner. If people don't want their account, they should be able to delete it entirely. /: Hope you guys can get that "under review" changed into "planned when launched" or whatever the accepted banner is. >///<

my god people its been what 2 years and the site has yet to put a "DELETE ACCOUNT" option for us as members? This is LAME! I dont do furry stuff anymore and kind of backed out of the fandom so i would like it if i could completely delete my account.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hey all -
Being able to completely delete an account is an important feature of any social media site. For the administration side of things, the only real change needed would be to add a 5-7 day delay to the deletion of the account, so bans / tickets / other moderation actions could complete. Aside from that, most of the work has already been done (by allowing users to delete characters).
Please vote if you'd like to see this added!