"commented on" posts need clarification
The header doesn't show the original author's name anywhere, it makes people confused.
Should be something like "X commented on A's post". Or maybe display original author's icon and name at the post area (like the comments display).

I'll certainly agree with this. When I first got on FN, this was the first issue that hit me. I had no idea whose journals people were commenting on at first, and still don't when I click "view more comments".

Oh wow, you're right. And the image doesn't really give much indication of what the submission is, either...
Maybe adding the name of the submission, like so: "So-and-so commented on [submission name]"?

The one I posted is a errr post(? the thing you create by typing on 'whats on your mind' thing). They're both confusion since they seem to lack a submission name and when someone comments on them it doesn't say who the original poster is (and often doesn't display what the commenters comment was either).
When I make a post it looks like this to people who follow me:
This message is still sensible, although it lacks indication to what type of post this is, just sais 'posted'.
Now if we look at the notification for Jade's watchers of her comment that displays on the upper post, it looks like:
It actually lacks Jade's comment from the notification entirely, because there's so many other new comments on the chain already. If you only look at this notification you'll be completely confused who posted what.
- Give "whats on your mind" posts a name/category thing (what are they? posts, journals, thoughts?)
- Make commented on posts on these more similar to other commented on posts (display original authors name, indicate commented on with that little transparent box maybe, somehow).
- Display the comment which the 'commented on' post notifies about.
I just noticed that comments to story submissions is almost equally strange, they don't display anywhere that it's a story that was commented on :s

Maybe something like
[commenter] commented on [submission name] by [original poster]
[commenter] commented on [original poster]'s [submission type] "[submission name]"

Yes I just had exactly the same problem. I saw "commented on", a text and comments. but I didn't know who the original author was/is nor if it was some form of "journal entry" like the ones you know from FA.

The Activity Feed now shows which piece received a comment. This should resolve the issue with notifications.
Customer support service by UserEcho
The Activity Feed now shows which piece received a comment. This should resolve the issue with notifications.