
Empty Spaces on Galleries when Scrolling

jeany545 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 7

There seems to be an inconsistent bug when scrolling through galleries, I find it hard to replicate if you refresh the page.

Image 22

It shows up whenever I keep scrolling through the gallery, I guess it fails to load some thumbnails or just makes empty space between images, I'm not sure.



A fix for this is being worked on right now, and should make it out in the next update.

Something similar happens to me too, but instead of staying like this the thumbnails will suddenly jump to new positions - it also affects scrolling (bounces page up or down) and is generally pretty confusing.

Now constantly happening to me too, but only in user galleries (popular, fresh, following tabs still have the jumpy/sudden rearrangement glitch instead).

I haven't seen the Popular/Fresh bug since I don't spend much time there, but yeah, the galleries thing is annoying since I can't tell at first glance if there's images missing or they're just rearanged

I've run into this issue many times as well. Plus loading is horrendously long, considering we're not in the 80s or 90s anymore.

Example: https://twitter.com/Boopsnoots/status/705274921954316288

It happens to me as well! Only in user galleries, as Neotheta claimed :) Hopefully it is an easy one to fix


A fix for this is being worked on right now, and should make it out in the next update.


This issue should now be resolved. Please let us know if you need anything else.