Are user added tags prone to abuse/trolls?
I couldn't find any information on this on the about pages and no similar questions on this topic on the support pages here either and it's been on my mind for some time now.
Is there a system in place to prevent abusive users (e.g. trolls) from adding tags to someone else's submissions that simply are false in regards to the actual submission content or just to annoy other users?

Easiest way to do this is to have account requirements on the person attempting to leave a tag. A combination of things like :
user must have over a certain number of posts / promotes / been on the site over x days / etc
To be able to leave a suggested tag. This means only people with real accounts will be able to do it, and thus be held accountable for abusing the system.
This means brand new accounts can't suggest tags, but, i mean that should be fine?

Yep - there is. It's the section titled "Abuse of site tools" in the Code of Conduct: https://about.furrynetwork.com/code-of-conduct-2/#abuseofsitetools
This means we can take administrative action against users who abuse the site tools (eg, the 'community tags' tool) to suggest inappropriate tags or harass other users.
Depending on how prevalent the issue becomes, it might be necessary to implement some kinds of requirements to be able to suggest tags via that method - but I think that's best tackled when we encounter the issue first hand.
Good suggestions on how we could do this though!

I see that abuse happening right now.
I believe a solution could be similar to what steam did I believe where it takes multiple people submitting a tag to make it publicly accepted with the ability for people to vote a tag removed.
Better, would be to allow people to suggest a tag and it notify the uploader so that he can choose to accept said tags, rather than the tag becoming immediately public. Perhaps even keep its green "community" tag color after being accepted but being put into the main tag list with the rest of them to show that the tag was suggested by the community and the author accepted the tag. I like this idea much better as it gives the artist control over tagging still.
One final idea/note;
I don't like that my blacklist is using community tags because of the potential abuse like that one I linked. So perhaps make blacklists not use community tags, but leave the tags that are suggested visible so people can vote up or down on the tag "#space-ship (17) /\ \/" (\/ /\ arrows) ((##) amount of votes) and thus encourage the author to accept a tag that has been highly voted on, or perhaps have the system automatically accept a tag once it reaches something like 20-50 votes in the positive. Still, keep community tags green so we know the community got it added! I like that because it lets people know the community helped add a tag and that we should all do our part in helping with proper tagging.

A policy won't keep people from being trolls. You can enforce them yes, but that doesn't preemptively prevent trolling when the damage has already been done.
I would also rather opt for a system that lets an artist decide if they accept a tag that has been added by the community. Furthermore, if an inappropriate tag get's added too much give the artist the ability to block the tag itself from being added, either to a particular submission or to any submission in the artist's gallery to provide the artist with a tool to prevent mass-trolling.
Alternatively, if the system is set up for it, give the option to block the individual who has placed the tag -- I'm thinking like ask.fm: even if the question was asked anonymously you can still block the person having asked the question if they start getting on your nerves. Just so people don't get upset with "privacy concerns". The artist doesn't know who placed the tag (so no shaming) and the troll is blocked from placing inappropriate tags.
Another idea to this could be that if tags for a certain user get rejected too much they'll have their ability to place community tags revoked or put up for review (or both).
Customer support service by UserEcho
Yep - there is. It's the section titled "Abuse of site tools" in the Code of Conduct: https://about.furrynetwork.com/code-of-conduct-2/#abuseofsitetools
This means we can take administrative action against users who abuse the site tools (eg, the 'community tags' tool) to suggest inappropriate tags or harass other users.
Depending on how prevalent the issue becomes, it might be necessary to implement some kinds of requirements to be able to suggest tags via that method - but I think that's best tackled when we encounter the issue first hand.
Good suggestions on how we could do this though!