
Artist profile section similar to deviant ID on Deviantart.com

Reilly Alice 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 4

Artsits and users would be able to list their interests according to categories, such as favorite movies, T.V. shows, books, music, ect. while keeping the information in easy to read, sectioned, and labeled lists.



Varka gave a helpful image to show how this can be done. This can be customized and will likely fit the need described here.


The idea is good, but under "edit profile" you can add and name new fields to describe yourself or your interests. I think this adjustable concept is better than a preset one. Maybe they could add some of those categories as suggestions to the edit profile page, though.


Maybe making a section in the 'profile' tool would accomplish this:


Varka gave a helpful image to show how this can be done. This can be customized and will likely fit the need described here.