Your comments

I'll be honest any online editor simply doesn't do much when it comes to formatting. I got lucky with Sofurry understanding Microsoft Word formatting and I have been updating my entire (soon to be novel) web series, that I have been slowly bring here (Finding One's True Self), because of this I'm having to follow industry standards, which at this time is currently .docx format by many publishers.

The FN editor, like every other online editor, completely ignores the tab key for indentation. This is nothing new, and is likely an issue with browsers. But my biggest issue is when I copy paste from within Word, to the FN editor, it completely strips all formatting. This is a huge headache for me, and makes my work look ugly and not easily readable. 

I know I'm not a big name in the fandom, and honestly I'm fine with that, but I don't want to go back to my old style of writing. I've learned to much, and I want my readers (if I have any here) to feel like they are looking at a novel that flows cleanly, even if my writing is still rough around the edges.

Would it be possible to add a document upload that supports and understands .docx formatting, as well as other popular formats that others here use? This way formatting isn't lost.

Ok that was apart of what I was missing and I already have a collection going for my webseries. My only reason for bring up the missing next/previous buttons was for easier navigation through the stories in a collection. Something like SF with out being SF. On SF a series of submissions that are related (like stories) is listed on the left. Making it easier to get to the next chapter. Or I'm I missing something, that I'm not seeing when I'm logged in to my own page

I would love this feature. As I originally moved from FA, to SF several months ago. So all my work is now there, and I'm slowly moving my web series over to here.

Xan Steel