Under review

Better control when people post fetish works

Neotheta 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 14

Problem: It would be nice to browse the fresh artwork tab, but it's already full of fetish work placed in general rating and no tags assigned, which makes the experience unpleasant if not even causing ill feels. Most the time I don't even know what tag should I add to the community tag section since I have no idea what the fetish is called.

I know the automatic blacklist tags are coming - they will sure be a big help for those who don't know the names of most fetishes and want them all blocked, but this doesn't solve the issue that people don't tag their works accordingly. And looking at the fresh tab the load is way bigger than what can be controlled nicely.

My suggestion:

  1. Dissallow publishing artwork with no tags assigned, force users to add at least 3 tags (this could easily be: species, gender, theme).
  2. Force submissions with common fetish tags into adult category automatically.
  3. Make a 'comfirmed' list for fetish tags that are highlighted when tags are suggested as you type, this should encourage artists to use those tags and not a synonyme or alternate spelling or mistyped version.

Any other suggestions on how to make this problem less bad?


Under review

These are some great suggestions actually. For example, if the tag "gore" is added to a submission, the piece could automatically be classified as "Explicit" - for tags which are implicitly mature or explicit in nature.

This could be a useful way of preventing stuff from slipping through!

I'm interested to see how many votes this garners.


I agree with the tagging thing, and I thought at at first when this site came about at least two tags were to be used. I automatically tag all of my artwork on this site with relevant things, but a confirmed list of tags in general would be a good thing. There are at least THREE tags for works in progress, and that's just a bit ..excessive. There are many ways to cook a turkey, and there are many names to tag the same fetishes as.


Tagging is freeform, you can put whatever and make it a new tag by being the first to tag something with it, the downside is because of that even more freeform was FA's that got imported with the automation. When site goes live we need something like e621 that has ALIASes for tags, so after a while, putting one tag will sorta silently also include another tag. So someone would have to go through and sorta get a portal to start linking related tags.

Using your example, searching for "wip" should also give you images that are: work in progress, works in progress, work_in_progress, work-in-progress, works_in_progress, works-in-progress... On e621 it does because there's forwarded tags under an 'synonym' list.


Additional Suggestion:

  • Instead of having the "Adult Content" checkbox, require uploader to actually pick whether content is SFW/NSFW, before a submission is moved from drafts.

I pretty much agree with item 2, but I feel that item 1 can be toned down to theme tags being the only tag that is mandatory.

+1 anyway

If it would only be 1 tag nessecary, people could easily skip having to tag the theme and use that one tag for gender or species because they're lazy. Three tags are easy to think up for any piece.


We also immediately made searching on FurryNetwork trash by importing the shitty FA tags people used. It was too freeform without suggestions so people were doing jokes and sentences in the tags. Now there's tons of images with like "lol what am I even doing" as the keywords which clutters the autofill and aren't tagged at all with anything in the picture just as bad if not worse than having no tags at all.

Besides the "Adult Content" Checkbox, min. Tags, how about to finished the progress ...

- Adult Users rate the submission (anonym?)

- There rate min. 10 User or >50% rate it as Adult or something like that

- Then it gets published

Something like Users-helps-Users

But I'm afraid that user don't tag it as Adult to published it quicker.

Sounds good! I think this would be amazing on FN, should be mandatory on all Explicit submissions.

Under review

These are some great suggestions actually. For example, if the tag "gore" is added to a submission, the piece could automatically be classified as "Explicit" - for tags which are implicitly mature or explicit in nature.

This could be a useful way of preventing stuff from slipping through!

I'm interested to see how many votes this garners.


While automatic rating sounds good in theory, there may be problems.

* s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/35/9e/00/359e00504ce50c1b8b6101ef985bebdb.jpg - this is gore. But is it explicit, extreme and 18+?

* When you watch lions killing antelopes on National Geographic, it's gore. But kids watch it way before reaching 18 years.

So, if you decide to implement it, please leave an option to override automatic rating.

I would not tag that picture as gore, since the tag stands for excessive amounts of blood and guts - the kind of stuff that makes a good bunch of people feel uneasy. I'd use more relevant tags such as 'bite' and 'blood'.

Auto-tagging could cause issues in the event that a character is named Gore (using your example), and any uploads of that character tagged with their name would then become unviewable to users with mature filters on.


Item 1 and 3 are ok but item 2 does not quite work because of the fact that not all "fetish" works needs a explicit rating, there is content that very much is suitable for all ages.

Take Varkas mention of Gore, that can be anything from simple paper cuts to full fledged decapitations, ive seen enough people using gore for things like the former that are not at all explicit.


According to FNs AUP all fetish content (even if technically sfw) should be marked as mature/explict, so there wouldn't be a problem. Also I don't think 'gore' is the correct tag for an image with a normal papercut since it's a tag that directly implys excess blood and such, same as you wouldn't tag a normal dining picture as 'vore'.