Personal Thread Moderation
Let's be honest here. Not everyone on the forums is very polite when it comes to sharing their opinions, some can be rather malicious, and express their views in less than appropriate ways. I've seen it first hand on multiple threads. People harassing other people simply because they do not agree with the opposing party. It's okay to oppose an idea, however, you should be able to do so in a more acceptable manner. So it is with great disappointment in our community that I suggest thread owners (the people who submit new topics) have the right to exclude others from to 'speaking their minds' further in topics if they can not do so in an appropriate manner.
Now I'm not saying "give them the right to delete their comments and prevent them from writing any new ones in their thread." I'm saying give us a sort of "report user/comment" button that submits the discouraging individuals comment for review, if the moderators see this person unfit for democratic debate, then they can revoke the privilege from the user to speak in the topic at all. If said user continues to act in an unacceptable manner. Then their privilege to speak in the forums as a whole should be revoked entirely. Weed out the hostility. Make the forums a friendlier place. Even if it's a place of thought and debate. It should not be this hostile.
The way I see it. If you cannot respect the people around you. Then you shouldn't be allowed to subject yourselves to them. This also goes for thread owners. If you're 'trolling' as some would call it or just generally being disrespectful with your new topics. Your privilege to share anything in the forums at all should be stripped from you as consequence for your actions.

I this this is going in a good direction. Maybe borrow a page from somewhere like Reddit where a certain number of down votes minimizes a comment (with the option for a browsing user to make it visible again).
Could also borrow a rule from Voat that limits the number of down votes you can dish-out until you've logged a certain amount of activity on the support board, this would help prevent brigading and people making dummy accounts to troll and down vote.
Just my 2 cents :)

My idea of the "report user/comment button" isn't a perfect idea as I'm aware, in fact all it is -- it's a rough idea at best maybe, so it can certainly be improved upon. With that said I welcome additional ideas that build upon this or improve upon it. My main goal here is mainly to make our forums a safer place for thoughts to be shared and debates to be had because as of lately it has not been a very safe place for such activities.
I was also thinking a "Karma" feature might be implemented. There's lots that could probably go into this. All I ask for the time being is that people vote up this thread to get the idea out there for the developers to see, and if they accept the idea. We can start building on the foundation of the idea to make something great for this forum. All in all. Making it a better safer place for its users.

Sorry for the long delay in response. We're not exactly sure why there isn't a Report button that can be used to bring issues such as this to our attention. If you do encounter such things, what you can do is send a private message with a link to the thread and let us know the issue and an Admin can take care of the problem appropriately.
When you click to start a thread, you can choose the private tab, as shown here:
Customer support service by UserEcho
Sorry for the long delay in response. We're not exactly sure why there isn't a Report button that can be used to bring issues such as this to our attention. If you do encounter such things, what you can do is send a private message with a link to the thread and let us know the issue and an Admin can take care of the problem appropriately.
When you click to start a thread, you can choose the private tab, as shown here: