
Submissions in activity feed have by-line and username interchanged

Catsalog 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

For submissions In my activity feed, the by-line and username seem to be interchanged. For example, in the screenshot below, the by-line should read "Vidan" and the username should read "@catsalog".

Image 182

Looking at other profiles confirms the same behavior.

(I tried looking for an existing bug report, so hopefully this isn't a duplicate.)



I'm unsure what was causing this issue at the time, but it appears that it has been fixed. I have not seen it on any other profile, and it now appears correctly on your submissions. If there are still issues, though, feel free to commend and let us know.


I'm unsure what was causing this issue at the time, but it appears that it has been fixed. I have not seen it on any other profile, and it now appears correctly on your submissions. If there are still issues, though, feel free to commend and let us know.