
Change the alert "<Anon Pic> Someone favorited <Submission> <Thumbnail>" to "<thumbnail> <Submission> became a favorite."

Beast Shocked NSFW 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 3

Gotta admit the current phrasing is a little bit creepy and the anonymous user pic doesn't really help. Just show the thumbnail of the submission and leave out "someone" and the anonymous user pic. Honestly, for a long time i thought it was just broken because of all the default user pictures.



At this point, the alert has been removed; only promotions appear as a notification. Favorites are treated more as a private collection, so it makes sense not to have that notification.

It's probably the terminology that weirds people out. I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue if it just said "You received a favorite on [picture]!"


Oh, that's even better!


At this point, the alert has been removed; only promotions appear as a notification. Favorites are treated more as a private collection, so it makes sense not to have that notification.