
Furry Network Friday (Twitter/Social Media)

Kat the Leopardess 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Im Catwoman69y2k, long time creative and purveyor of art sites. While I have not been caught up in the issues of one of the websites which is having its usual security issues, I do know that the exodus is hard for people to do because they dont want to risk losing all that they have built and/or the commissioners.

However, Id like to see if some of us can begin a campaign on social media (Twitter, FB, etc..) called "Furry Network Friday". Basically, we could try using the hashtag of #furrynetworkfriday for tweets/status updates that showcase awesome artists who are here on Furry Network. I have seen other sites try this during the last Exodus and as we see, nothing really seems to stick and people continue using the other problem site. However, we dont know if this will be it until we try...



I think it would be good for us to have specific social media campaigns, especially as we get close to the full launch of the site. The difficulty with this specific hashtag, though, is that it would be attempting to ride off the success of similar hashtags. If we had something like #FNFriday, it would need to be organic from members rather than forced.

Again, we'll definitely talk about ways to get excitement through social media, especially as we expand testing and get ready for the full site release.


I think it would be good for us to have specific social media campaigns, especially as we get close to the full launch of the site. The difficulty with this specific hashtag, though, is that it would be attempting to ride off the success of similar hashtags. If we had something like #FNFriday, it would need to be organic from members rather than forced.

Again, we'll definitely talk about ways to get excitement through social media, especially as we expand testing and get ready for the full site release.