
A feature Like Beeline Reader to help dyslexic people read text easier

Sir_eric 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

I don't have dyslexia, but reading large amount of text on websites does hurt my eyes. And a feature like this might be a good addition to the text pages other than the invert the page colour. and would also increase the accessibility of this website.

(http://www.beelinereader.com/) Here is the app i'm referring to.



Accessibility is important to us, and it's best to give options to users when it's going to be helpful. However, there are already applications available for free across the internet that will help with dyslexia. Specifically, BeeLine itself is free and is advertised to work across the internet. Pointing someone towards BeeLine Reader or other similar apps will likely much better for users; this way, they have a solution for all websites rather than just one.

The color issue, however, is another one we're discussing, and we are looking into offering different themes. Click this link to check out the current discussion.

Thank you for these suggestions!


Accessibility is important to us, and it's best to give options to users when it's going to be helpful. However, there are already applications available for free across the internet that will help with dyslexia. Specifically, BeeLine itself is free and is advertised to work across the internet. Pointing someone towards BeeLine Reader or other similar apps will likely much better for users; this way, they have a solution for all websites rather than just one.

The color issue, however, is another one we're discussing, and we are looking into offering different themes. Click this link to check out the current discussion.

Thank you for these suggestions!