Upload Options for Artists w/ Other People's Art
I was thinking how pleasant it would be to have a collection of artwork I've purchased myself uploaded on FurryNetwork. As an artist however, I would not like it if my main gallery was filled with artwork not created by me. While the collections feature does make separating them easy enough when seeking out specific pieces, could there be a way to have a secondary gallery of sorts for this unique purpose? I suppose what I'm asking for is a different kind of "scraps" section, similar to FA's. Instead of having artwork I have not drawn in my main gallery, I'd prefer to have it displayed somewhere else.

This was discussed in the post called 'having a collections feature' actually. I'd still love a feature like this, ability to post pics relevant to you into another section where you could tag the actual artist.
Commissioners would benefit from a feature like this too. These could still display in their correct categories when you look at site's fresh artwork or popular etc. But separately in their own tab at user's end.
In general I think it's annoying and confusing when people have to post things they've bought to artwork section where it automatically first implies they're the artist and have to look at description before being sure.

Ah good! I was wondering if something like this had already been brought up, I'll check out that thread. I'd really like to see something implemented. I totally agree.. Perhaps there should be sections for "artwork made by user" and "artwork made by other users".

Sorry it has taken so long to get a response to you! There are actually a couple ways that this can be accomplished with what we have set up on the site now! You have the option of making multiple profiles under a single account, different @ names so you can have one for commissioned art and one for art you've made. This has the advantage of viewers being able to watch one profile or both! You also have the option of using folders, placing works you've made or works you've commissioned into separate folders that people can browse, and still be informed of all of your uploads.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Sorry it has taken so long to get a response to you! There are actually a couple ways that this can be accomplished with what we have set up on the site now! You have the option of making multiple profiles under a single account, different @ names so you can have one for commissioned art and one for art you've made. This has the advantage of viewers being able to watch one profile or both! You also have the option of using folders, placing works you've made or works you've commissioned into separate folders that people can browse, and still be informed of all of your uploads.