
Add Content fail

Rubberkitten 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 2

I went and filled out all the info and descriptions to upload an art piece. I click Save and nothing.

Click, Click, Click, Click x20. Nothing. Adblocker disabled and everything.

I was able to upload 1 submission but then when i try to add another (even waiting for 15 seconds), then no different. So I reloaded the page, did it again. Same thing. Click save a shit ton. So i logged out and back in and no different. It feels like I am only allowed to upload 1 submission per day.

Admins, please look into this?



This was related to the issue that CHICAGO-lollie linked. The site should be uploading images without any issues now. If you do have any additional issues, though, feel free to either comment here or submit a new ticket; we're picking up steam and are able to go through new tickets relatively quickly now.

This may be related to a known issue: http://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/427-unable-to-upload-pictures-stuck-at-0-or-100/

Are your uploaded submissions hanging on 100% like the above issue, or are they doing something else entirely? What browser (plus browser version) are you using, operating system, etc?


This was related to the issue that CHICAGO-lollie linked. The site should be uploading images without any issues now. If you do have any additional issues, though, feel free to either comment here or submit a new ticket; we're picking up steam and are able to go through new tickets relatively quickly now.