
Improvement ideas

Lumi 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

Here's my big angry rant about features that are either poorly implemented or missing entirely from a site that claims to be an art site.

Let's start

- Gallery on the profile page.

This is important people for anyone wanting to display their own/commissioned work.

- Notifications when someone posts a new picture

Could we have this on the top bar, maybe somewhere near the top where that notification bell is? instead of having to dive deep into the land of settings to find out that someone you have been following has been posting new stuff all day?

-Removing notifications

As it is i'm stuck with my current notifications. Someone followed me? Great! Can i cross that out now and be done with it? No? What sense does this make?

- Remove the social feed bar either entirely or let us hide it.

Let's face it, people are going to be coming here for artwork, they don't care that you ate a banana 2 hours ago or that you followed someone X hours/days ago. This feature servers no function or purpose being on the profile page. If you really, really insist this being a feature, put it somewhere else, not on your profile page.

-No big scroll-able headers

While this was fancy for the first few times i saw it, now it just irritates me since it takes more time to scroll down to another persons profile.

Next up, Browsing artwork.

-Remove the filter for popular, or at least have it default to fresh.

Just a big bear of mine as it promotes the already established artists over the newbies. From my observation, during the peak activity hours new submissions are still stuck with 0-2 views, at most. Of course there might be other reasons for that as well but having the new submissions hidden from sight by default surely isn't helping.

-Image spacing

Clumping the images up to a tight no spaces grid saves space, sure but it also makes it less appealing to the eye, giving a disorganized feel to the whole page.

Now most of these are just things that annoy me, keep that in mind before publicly crucifying me.



I appreciate your suggestions. The site has undergone some significant changes. Let me go through this:

Gallery on the profile page. Users may customize how their profile page looks and can add a gallery. They may also have it show in different orders (most popular, last uploaded, etc).

Notifications when someone posts a new picture. There hasn't been a big demand for this. At this time, we have an easy-to-follow "What's New" page that shows all recent submissions from people you follow in a grid format. This seems to be sufficient for now.

Removing notifications. Once you check notifications, they will no longer appear as new. However, having a history of notifications (similar to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc) can be helpful. We're looking into ways to categorize these.

Remove the social feed bar either entirely or let us hide it. That feed now shows up in user's Activity feed.

No big scrollable headers. Rather than remove those, Furry Network now loads a user's page lower. That way, you may scroll up to see the header. By default, you will see more of the user's profile.

Remove the filter for popular or default to fresh. We won't be removing that. The default for new users is on popular, but once they change to a new filter, the site sticks with that. The popular feed is very important to a site; this helps people see outstanding submissions and get drawn into staying. Most visitors to the site will take a look at the different filters and check out the new submissions.

Image Spacing. This has been significantly reworked, and the current design is planned to be final. There may be some tweaks, but we're happy with how this has panned out.

I hope this helps give you some ideas of what's happened. If you do have any other suggestions, feel free to submit another ticket.


I appreciate your suggestions. The site has undergone some significant changes. Let me go through this:

Gallery on the profile page. Users may customize how their profile page looks and can add a gallery. They may also have it show in different orders (most popular, last uploaded, etc).

Notifications when someone posts a new picture. There hasn't been a big demand for this. At this time, we have an easy-to-follow "What's New" page that shows all recent submissions from people you follow in a grid format. This seems to be sufficient for now.

Removing notifications. Once you check notifications, they will no longer appear as new. However, having a history of notifications (similar to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc) can be helpful. We're looking into ways to categorize these.

Remove the social feed bar either entirely or let us hide it. That feed now shows up in user's Activity feed.

No big scrollable headers. Rather than remove those, Furry Network now loads a user's page lower. That way, you may scroll up to see the header. By default, you will see more of the user's profile.

Remove the filter for popular or default to fresh. We won't be removing that. The default for new users is on popular, but once they change to a new filter, the site sticks with that. The popular feed is very important to a site; this helps people see outstanding submissions and get drawn into staying. Most visitors to the site will take a look at the different filters and check out the new submissions.

Image Spacing. This has been significantly reworked, and the current design is planned to be final. There may be some tweaks, but we're happy with how this has panned out.

I hope this helps give you some ideas of what's happened. If you do have any other suggestions, feel free to submit another ticket.