Not a bug

import images not showing up after being uploaded

drawwithlaura 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 3

The imported images uploaded fine for me-but when I click on the submission to view it full size, read the description, etc; the image is a little red "x" with my description. I'm not the only user this has happened to.

Wondering if there's a way for me to fix it? I can't seem to go in and re-upload the file, I can only change the description, tags, etc.


Not a bug

It looks like this issue resolved itself; it just took a bit longer than expected for the images to show up. I've run imports since then, and the images appear immediately rather than having the little red "x." I'd be curious if this happens again in the future; we'll keep our eyes open for issues.

EDIT: Well this is awkward, it seems it just needed a few minutes lol. Sorry about that. But maybe consider having a warning about it taking a little bit?

I too hit 100% and was like what do I do next? Did it stall out? Needs more feedback to let me know what is going on.

Not a bug

It looks like this issue resolved itself; it just took a bit longer than expected for the images to show up. I've run imports since then, and the images appear immediately rather than having the little red "x." I'd be curious if this happens again in the future; we'll keep our eyes open for issues.