
Displaying images on profile page

Fowlgon 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 1

The new update looks great! Although, images now do not display in our own scrolling profile feeds. However, they do display in the feeds of other users! (Example screenshots below)

I feel that this is important for access, especially when you are trying to find the right artist/title to the picture you remember promoting.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could possibly match the display of our feeds more closely with that of other users!

Thanks for listening,


Image 75

Image 74



We have gone through a recent change; pictures now show up, and promoted images are shown as a smaller thumbnail. We are also currently planning to have promoted images appear larger in the future.


We have gone through a recent change; pictures now show up, and promoted images are shown as a smaller thumbnail. We are also currently planning to have promoted images appear larger in the future.