
Faster way to browse notifications

Lumin 9 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 8 years ago 4

Notifications are huge, and often include replies in-line with the notifications scroll. This makes it very slow to read through all new notifications. Can we have the ability to show notifications in a way similar to the browse artwork / photos / stories tabs, where we see notifications in a large grid and can quickly glance through them?



The "What's New" page has significantly changed. Items are now tiled, and it's simple to dismiss the submissions. It's much easier at this point to look through new submissions.

So it seems my terminology is off. I was actually referring to the "What's New" page, not notifications :(

You can look up new submissions like that, at least (go to artwork/photo/story/multimedia tab and click on my collections > following)

I'd sure love a more compact what's new page in general tho. The facebook feed style is disliked by many (even with deletion options).

Right, and that's helpful, but it's difficult to tell where I've left off. I'd love a combination of the two. A feed where I can dismiss items I've seen yet still see a lot more submissions at a glance. Something like what Weasyl does with the submission notifications of those you follow.


The "What's New" page has significantly changed. Items are now tiled, and it's simple to dismiss the submissions. It's much easier at this point to look through new submissions.