
Sorting favorites by favourite-date

Wilson 8 years ago updated by Varka (Spokesdragon) 8 years ago 2

As it is right now, I can't quite make sense of how the favorites in ones' favorite-tab is sorted.
I've been scrolling through my own favorites and as far as I can tell:

Image 119

They aren't sorted by favorite-date, nor submission-date, which (to me) would make more sense.

A default, sensible way to sort them would be to sort by the date/time they were favorited by the user, akin to how it works on for example FA right now.

Other suggestions could include:
- Post date

- "score" (favorites/promotes/views) ?
- Rating




Oh - yep, looks like it was fixed! Marking as resolved :) Thanks for the report!

I guess this report should be flagged for deletion or so, since it seems that one of the recent updates to the site now means that favourites are sorted by the date/time they were favourited.


Oh - yep, looks like it was fixed! Marking as resolved :) Thanks for the report!