
'Low Quality' mode

Zelox Quo 8 years ago updated by Digby (Community Manager) 7 years ago 1

Unfortunately those of us living in third world countries, or Australia, may not have access to the fastest internet.

Due to the design of the site, this makes browsing on the current design very time consuming. There are long waits for new pages to load and/or wait times for large volumes of data on pages, if attempting to scroll through multiple uploads.

Might it be possible to have a lower quality/resolution layout option for FN? Perhaps with the option of having uploads/etc... separated into multiple pages rather than one large page that must load all of the content.

This way those living in areas with limited access speeds such as third world countries, or Australia, can make better use of the services provided on this website.



We're currently planning to have an option to show a paginated gallery rather than the unlimited scrolling that we have here - that will likely be close to the full site launch. However, we're not currently considering a lower quality mode for the site. If there is sufficient demand for that option in the future, though, we can look into it again.


We're currently planning to have an option to show a paginated gallery rather than the unlimited scrolling that we have here - that will likely be close to the full site launch. However, we're not currently considering a lower quality mode for the site. If there is sufficient demand for that option in the future, though, we can look into it again.